
A Step-by-Step Approach for Updating Outdated Content

We all experience things becoming outdated and stale from time to time, whether it’s our mailing address, wardrobe, or media collection. Fortunately, updating content is far less time-consuming than creating new content from scratch.

Updating content can have a powerful impact on user engagement and SEO performance. It can also help boost brand credibility and authority by demonstrating that your content is current and relevant.

Identifying Outdated Content

If you have older content on your business website that is no longer relevant, you may be missing out on some great SEO benefits. Instead of simply removing this content, Infoserve suggests that you consider updating it to ensure that your company is getting the most out of its online visibility.

Content updates should be a regular part of your content strategy. Fresh content is important to your SEO rankings, and it’s also an excellent way to get your current keywords into the SERP more effectively. This will help you see more traffic and improve your content marketing efforts.

In addition to boosting your SEO, refreshing outdated content, backed by the recommendations from a tool like Rank Revival, can also improve user experience and brand awareness. For example, if you have an old blog post on how to use a specific product or service, you can update it to reflect the latest features or improvements. Similarly, you can update articles on topics that have changed in the industry, or if you have new statistics, tools, or other information to add to the article.

To identify outdated content, start by performing a content audit and analysis. This will help you find any articles that need to be updated or deleted. Once you’ve done this, you can prioritize your efforts.

You can also try using a tool such as Moz Pro to locate outdated content and make changes quickly and efficiently. The tool offers a range of functionalities including performing a content audit, monitoring user feedback and comments, checking for outdated references or statistics, and identifying broken links and other issues.

Another option is to focus on evergreen content, which has a long shelf life and is likely to remain relevant over time. This can be a great way to build a strong SEO foundation, and it can also save you time in the long run as you won’t need to create as much new content.

You should still perform a thorough content audit and review on a regular basis, as the internet is such a vast place that it’s not always possible to be sure that outdated content has been completely erased. In the worst-case scenario, your old content could resurface in search results even if you have removed it from your site.

Creating a Plan

A content refresh is a great opportunity to revisit your site’s older content and make it more relevant to the current audience. This will help improve the experience for both human readers and search engine bots. It is also a good way to improve organic SEO, as Google has indicated that they reward websites that provide useful, up-to-date information.

First, identify your high-performing pages that have the potential to be updated. These could be old blog posts or landing pages that are getting a lot of traffic, but haven’t been updated in a while. This is a low-hanging fruit that should be prioritized for an update.

For other pieces of content, take a look at the keywords that are driving traffic to them. Depending on the relevance of those keywords to the current audience, it may be worth updating the content to better align with those search terms. This will improve user experience and may also boost organic search traffic for the page.

Next, create a plan for how you’re going to update the content. For example, if you have an old blog post that discusses the benefits of tea, you could add more recent research on the health benefits of different types of tea. You could also include information about new products and services that your company has added to its offering.

This update should be treated like any other content piece – it should be promoted to increase its visibility on your website and social media channels. It’s also a great time to re-engage with influencers and other people who have commented on or shared the content in the past.

A final note on updating old content – don’t forget to consider the impact that changing global or national events might have on your audience’s needs and preferences. This is something that can change very quickly and you should be prepared to move fast to adapt your content to reflect these changes. For example, if a war breaks out in one part of the world, you should make sure to redirect that particular page to a more relevant article on your website.

Creating the New Content

We all know that things need to be updated from time to time. Your mailing address, your wardrobe, your hairstyle — all of these can be easily refreshed. And your website content is no different. Over time, what was once an accurate and fresh piece can become stale and irrelevant. In order to prevent this from happening, you need to update your outdated content.

Whether it’s an article that was written in 2018, or a blog post on your latest product, updating your outdated content is one of the best ways to keep your website relevant and up to date. This can help improve your SEO, increase traffic and conversions, and ultimately boost your business’s bottom line.

To start, it’s important to create a schedule for your content updates. This will ensure that you’re always creating new, high-quality content that’s aligned with your marketing goals and standards. Depending on your content schedule, you may want to dedicate a certain day of the week or month to writing and promoting article updates. If this is the case, you can use tools like Creatopy to streamline the process and ensure that all of your team members are on the same page.

Another way to refresh your content is by updating the areas that need SEO improvements. This can include the keyword targeting, copywriting, and meta content. It’s important to remember that SEO is constantly evolving, and you need to be sure your content is up-to-date in order to get the most out of it.

Finally, you can also update your content to reflect any changes in your business or industry. For example, if you wrote an article about digital marketing trends in 2018 but the industry has since changed, you could update it to reflect the new landscape by adding new statistics and best practices.

In some cases, it may be better to delete an old page of your site rather than updating it. This is particularly the case if it’s no longer relevant to your audience or it doesn’t fit with your current marketing strategies. Deleting outdated content is a great way to free up valuable real estate on your site and boost your overall site performance.

Publishing the New Content

In the past, there was some concern that publishing too many changes to outdated content at once would raise red flags with Google and trigger a manual review. However, it is now generally considered that there’s no harm in updating all your existing pages simultaneously (as long as the old content was of high quality to begin with).

Before deciding to update or remove a piece of content, you need to consider its performance. Using SuiteJar, you can run reports to compare the performance of a webpage over time. This will allow you to identify pages that are not performing well enough and need to be updated. You can then decide whether to keep the page or create a new one that is more up-to-date and relevant to your audience.

Updating your content can also help you improve search engine rankings. Google prioritizes websites with fresh, updated content, so by updating your older content, you can give it the boost it needs to rank higher in searches.

Moreover, updating your content can help you to build brand trust and credibility. Outdated information can make your visitors think that you are unreliable or untrustworthy, which can damage your reputation and lead to a loss of potential sales.

In addition to improving your SEO, updating your content can also have a positive impact on your website’s usability. Outdated content can be frustrating for visitors, and they may leave your site if they find it difficult to navigate or understand. Keeping your website up to date can ensure that your content is accurate and useful, which will improve your visitor experience and increase engagement.

When it comes to updating your content, the best approach is to create a plan and commit to it. Schedule regular reviews of your content to ensure that it is always up-to-date and relevant to your customers. In addition, encourage communication within your team so that everyone knows what is expected of them when it comes to updating old content. Finally, be sure to promote your updated content as if it were new, by sharing it on social media and including it in your next e-newsletter.

7 Strategies for Effective Dispute Resolution

Negotiation involves back-and-forth communication about how to resolve a dispute. A compromise is a solution that partially satisfies both parties.

Dispute resolution processes offer choices that can result in a fair outcome and save you time and money. These include negotiating, mediation, and arbitration. Sometimes, you may need to go to court.

Listen with Intent

Listening with intent is a critical component of effective communication, and it can be particularly useful during dispute resolution. The ability to empathize with a rival party’s perspective can de-escalate tensions and help both parties find common ground. Active listening also encourages open communication by demonstrating that the speaker’s words are being respected and heard. By maintaining eye contact, allowing silence, and avoiding interrupting, you can demonstrate that you are truly interested in what your opponent has to say.

However, merely listening with intent is not enough to ensure successful conflict resolution. In order to fully engage with your customer, you need to actively listen. This is a communication technique that involves engaging with your customer, focusing on their words, acknowledging emotions, and asking questions to clarify understanding. It’s a vital skill that can be used to resolve disputes in both the workplace and private life. To practice this strategy, put away your phone or any other distractions and focus solely on the customer’s words. Then, respond with “Uh-huh” or other verbal cues to show that you are paying attention. This will make your customer feel valued and validated, ensuring that they are understood. It can also reduce misunderstandings and misinterpretations, which are common in communication.

Be Clear and Concise

Whether you’re communicating over email or in person, you must be clear and concise. If you’re unclear, it can lead to misunderstandings and confusion. This can result in a tug-of-war that is not productive. You can avoid this by clearly stating your thoughts and asking questions that encourage others to do the same.

It’s also important to listen carefully. If you can understand where the other person is coming from, you’ll be better equipped to come up with solutions. Avoid interrupting and making accusations of your own, as this can cause the conversation to escalate.

One of the worst things that can happen during a conflict is the onset of anger. When individuals become angry, they tend to take it out on the other party. This can lead to an endless tug-of-war that is not productive or a safe work environment for everyone involved.

To prevent this from happening, be sure to keep conversations in private arenas where it’s safe for everyone to express themselves. If it’s an issue that needs to be addressed publicly, consider bringing in an outside facilitator for neutral evaluation. This technique allows both sides to present their case in front of a neutral third party and provides an alternative dispute resolution solution that combines features of mediation and binding adjudication.

Use Language Softeners

When people feel like they’re being taken seriously, they’re more likely to cooperate and resolve disputes peacefully. Use language softeners such as “likely,” “possibly,” “usually,” or “perhaps” to convey your point of view without sounding too definitive or confrontational.

Sometimes, our most intractable disputes arise from core values that we believe are sacred or nonnegotiable, such as family bonds, religious beliefs, political views or a personal moral code. These issues may be difficult to negotiate, but if we can shift the conversation from a battle over what to do with an estate to exploring each party’s values, the parties can more easily come to a solution that satisfies both.

This is a great strategy for businesses, too. When you can get your employees to collaborate and find solutions to problems rather than engage in power struggles, they will be more productive and happy at work. They’ll also be less likely to leave when they see that their managers are willing to address issues before they become too big. The key to conflict resolution is knowing what strategies will work best for your particular situation, and then using them consistently. Having the right tools and knowledge will help you avoid costly legal battles, while ensuring that your team is able to reach satisfactory solutions quickly and efficiently.

Offer a Remedy

A key element of a successful dispute resolution process is to offer remedial outcomes that can address concerns raised by communities. Remediation can include providing financial compensation, building new infrastructure or restoring the environment. A recent advisory note from CAO, the independent accountability mechanism for IFC and MIGA, explores how this can be done through a broader approach to dispute resolution.

Dispute resolution processes can help companies reach a mutually acceptable solution to resolve a dispute, settle a legal claim or decide a case. They often take less time than litigation, are less expensive and more flexible.

They also provide a framework for discussing issues in a collaborative manner, rather than through adversarial means. This allows people to focus on the facts of a dispute, rather than their personal opinions or emotional reactions.

They can also allow for the possibility of providing interim measures to mitigate risks and ensure a fair resolution until a final decision is reached. A simple example is a judicial injunction that prevents parties from disposing of assets until the outcome of a lawsuit is decided. This can significantly enhance the likelihood of a materially satisfactory resolution.

Encourage Collaboration

A team’s success depends on its ability to resolve disputes constructively. According to Kissflow, this is the only way that teams can work together productively and cohesively in the face of disagreements and conflict. Effective strategies for dispute resolution allow members to discuss problems openly and prevent the issues from escalating, thereby improving their productivity.

The collaborative conflict style champions the idea that all sides must be heard, and it encourages brainstorming to find unconventional solutions. This approach allows for breakthrough ideas that would be difficult to generate under a confrontational conflict management style. In addition, a collaborative solution is more likely to be long-lasting and avert the problem from resurfacing in the future.

To reach this goal, it is important for team leaders to encourage open communication and a sense of respect and trust in the face of disagreements. For example, it is important to avoid pointing out mistakes directly, as this can escalate the conflict and lead to an atmosphere of animosity between teammates. Instead, focus on identifying the goals of the other party and discussing how they will be met in the future. Incorporate conflict resolution training into your team’s leadership program to help your new managers develop these skills.


Negotiation is the only dispute resolution process that binds the parties involved in the case. It allows them to agree on a solution that will help them resolve the conflict at hand, rather than leaving it up to the courts or a mediator to come up with an outcome. It’s also a quicker and less expensive process than litigation.

When it comes to dispute resolution, effective negotiations involve a balance of assertiveness and cooperativeness. However, it’s important to remember that if the balance is tipped too far in one direction, the conflict can escalate and result in an unsuccessful negotiation – in line with the advice of PGMBM.

In order to avoid this, negotiators should focus on the underlying interests of their counterparts and brainstorm possible solutions that might satisfy those needs. This requires creativity at the negotiating table, and can often be achieved through a collaborative process that includes a range of team members and brainstorming sessions.

A great deal of value can be created in disputes through creative and innovative negotiating tactics. For instance, if both parties agree that they’d suffer reputational damage if their dispute went public, they could reach an agreement on terms for keeping the matter private. This would be a win-win for both parties.

Use Arbitration or Court

If people cannot solve their differences in a face-to-face negotiation, or with the assistance of a mediator, they may choose to go to arbitration. In this process, a neutral arbitrator acts as a judge and makes a decision to resolve the dispute. Arbitration is often faster than litigation. It involves fewer people, and there are typically fewer delays in the discovery phase, which can take months.

Like mediation and conciliation, it can be used to solve commercial disputes as well as personal ones. In fact, some companies incorporate a dispute resolution process into their contracts so that the parties will use arbitration instead of court to settle any conflicts that arise.

Litigation is sometimes necessary for business matters, especially if the parties are unwilling to participate in alternative dispute resolution processes or have not agreed to do so before the issue arises. In addition, litigation offers more opportunities to create legal precedents than arbitration.

Attorneys can help their clients navigate the dispute resolution options that are available to them by educating themselves about the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. By doing so, they can advise their clients on the best course of action for their particular situation and issue.

How Do Crystals Enhance Meditation? Explained

Regular meditation can bring multiple health benefits, including improved sleep quality, reduced stress levels and increased feelings of creativity and patience. Crystals can help enhance this experience by bringing a deeper connection with the earth’s energy and promoting inner peace.

When using crystals for meditation, it is important to cleanse them before each session. This can be done by smudging them with sage, placing them under moonlight or soaking them in water.

They Help You Become More Focused

Whether you’re new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, incorporating crystals into your sessions can add a whole new dimension. They enhance the calming effects of the practice while adding unique healing energies that can support your spiritual journey and promote wellbeing.

Start by choosing a crystal that aligns with your intention. For example, rose quartz can boost feelings of self-love and compassion, while blue topaz can help you attune with your higher self. Once you’ve chosen the crystal, hold it in your hand or place it somewhere in your space. Make sure it’s cleansed and charged beforehand, if necessary, and if you do charge them, ensure you know how to charge crystals.

Then, close your eyes and connect with your breath for 2-3 minutes. Once you feel ready, select your crystal and ask for permission to work with it. Once it’s given you the go-ahead, notice how it gets a kick out of speaking with you (color, sounds, sensations in your body, visuals, etc.). Be sure to write down anything that comes up.

As you continue meditating, allow the crystal to absorb your intentions and clear any negative energy in your space. When your session is complete, gently open your eyes and stretch out your toes or roll your neck back and forth, if needed. This movement helps ground you after your session and allows your energy to flow naturally throughout the day. Take some time to reflect on your experience and give thanks to your crystal for its guidance and healing. You can also choose to carry your crystal with you during the day. Then, you can cleanse it and recharge it as needed.

They Help You Become More Calm

The energy of a crystal can help you to calm your emotions and feel more grounded. This can be especially beneficial for those who have trouble calming their thoughts or are easily distracted during meditation. This can also make it easier to hear any guiding thoughts or to receive those “ah-ha” moments of perspective and clarity.

To use a crystal for this purpose, choose one that you are drawn to or that you feel connected to. Place it in your lap or hold it in your hand. Focus on your breath and imagine the stone’s healing energy absorbing into your body and cleansing any negative energy. If you have any other thoughts, gently bring your attention back to your breath or the crystal’s energy.

Some people like to place their crystal on their heart or third eye for greater connection to the higher self and to connect with spirit. Some people even choose to meditate with a crystal grid, where multiple stones are placed in a specific shape around the practitioner. The best space for meditating with crystals is somewhere serene and quiet where you can relax. If you are using a crystal for this purpose, it’s a good idea to cleanse it before your first session and then regularly depending on how often you use it for this purpose.

The crystals that are most suited to this purpose are the blue and purple ones (Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli and Lepidolite) as they correspond with and activate the Crown and Third Eye Chakras. These chakras are the connection to your inner wisdom and help you to find balance in your life. You can also meditate with clear quartz to calm your mind and release any worries or anxieties.

They Help You Become More Intuitive

Crystals are powerful tools for sharpening our intuition and helping us feel more connected to our spirituality. During meditation, it is often beneficial to bring an intuitive crystal with you to enhance your experience. This crystal can be placed in your hands or in front of you, allowing its energy to merge with your own. Some crystals that are particularly good for intuitive development include Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, and Clear Quartz.

The first step in using crystals for intuitive development is to choose one that feels right for you. A simple way to do this is to think about why you are meditating, and which crystal’s attributes would best align with your goal. For example, if you are meditating to heal yourself, it could be helpful to select a crystal like Blue Calcite, which is known for healing on all levels and helps awaken the Third Eye and Throat Chakras, supporting a deepened intuition.

During meditation, you can connect with the crystal by holding it in your hand or placing it on your Throat Chakra area to create a deep connection between your intuition and the stone’s vibrations. If you want to add another layer of depth to your meditation, you can practice visualization with the crystal by imagining its energy flowing into your third eye chakra and awakening your intuition.

Lastly, it is important to regularly cleanse and charge your crystals to remove any negative energy that they may have absorbed over time. One common way to do this is by soaking your crystals in a bowl of salt water overnight, which helps to purify and recharge them. You can also try laying your crystals in the sun or running them under cold, fresh water.

They Help You Become More Creative

Crystals are powerful tools for increasing creativity in meditation because they amplify your intention, helping you to focus on what you want to achieve. Whether you are looking for clarity and insight offered by clear quartz, the joy of abundance from citrine, the grounding force of smoky quartz and black tourmaline, or simply a sense of purpose and meaning, meditating with crystals can help you find creative inspiration that allows you to see the world in new ways and express yourself through your art.

You can use crystals for creative inspiration by choosing one that speaks to you, holding it in your hand as you meditate, and allowing its energy to flow through you. You can also close your eyes, connect with the crystal’s healing energy, and listen for any messages it may have to share. You might hear these in the form of colors, sounds, sensations in your body, visuals, or other forms of communication. When your meditation is complete, bring the crystal back to its original spot and give thanks for its assistance during this time of exploration and healing.

To get started, choose a meditation space that is free of distractions and comfortable to sit in. You can place your crystal on a sacred altar, tucked into your cushion, or in your hands. When you are ready to begin, start by connecting with your breath for 2-3 minutes and then selecting your crystal of choice. Ask for permission and hold it in your hand. As you breathe, imagine the stone absorbing any negative energy and filling itself with positive energy. Once you are finished, take a moment to let your awareness spiral down into the stone and then slowly release your connection to it.

They Help You Become More Open

Adding crystals to your meditation practice can help you become more open and willing to accept healing energies and higher vibrations into your energy field. This can help you to deepen your spiritual growth and heal any blockages that may be preventing you from reaching your full potential. You can use a variety of methods to incorporate crystals into your meditation, such as placing them on the chakras or using a specific crystal’s vibrations as your meditation focus. There is no wrong way to meditate with crystals, and the most important thing is to find a method that feels right for you.

To begin your crystal meditation, choose a stone that resonates with you and cleanse it if necessary. Then, place the crystal in a comfortable position where you won’t be disturbed. Make sure your surroundings are calm and relaxing, and consider playing soothing music or white noise to enhance the experience. It’s also a good idea to charge your crystals before each session by setting them out in the sun or moonlight.

Once your crystal is in place, close your eyes and focus on the intention you’ve set for your session. This could be anything from healing, emotional balance, clarity, or spiritual growth. As you concentrate on your intention, envision transferring it into your crystal, aligning its energy with yours.

Many people use crystals as a tool for manifesting, which is the process of creating a vibrational match with your goals and intentions. Iron pyrite helps you to overcome self-doubt and fears that can prevent you from moving forward in your life, while clear quartz is believed to help you achieve your dreams by clearing the mind and bringing in higher vibrations.

Getting Good at Google Sheets? (How-To)

Google Sheets is a powerful spreadsheet program that can help you organize and analyze different types of information. It can also be used to create web pages, and it is easy to learn and use.

It’s important to know how to use all of the functions and features available in Google Sheets. This can save you time and make it easier to get things done.

Identifying Columns

Google Sheets is an incredibly useful tool for organizing, storing and sharing data. It’s a great tool for creating spreadsheets, tracking performance metrics, and building dashboards and reports. But sometimes it can be difficult to navigate all of the functions and features. This guide will help you get to know Google Sheets so that you can work faster and more efficiently.

Each square in a spreadsheet is called a cell, and each cell can contain either text or numbers. Each cell has a unique name–or cell address–based on the column and row that it’s in. For example, if a cell is in column C and row 10, it’s cell address will be C10.

When selecting a single cell, the cell’s index–or range–is displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen. This information can be helpful when using formulas in the cell, as you’ll often reference cells by their index–for example, “=SUM(A2:A5)”.

If a column is hidden, you’ll see a small arrow in front of it. To unhide a column, click the arrow. A hidden column will become visible and you’ll be able to access the data in it.

Google Sheets automatically recognizes the type of data that’s in a cell and formats it appropriately. For example, text is aligned to the left and numbers and dates are displayed in a number format. However, you can also manually change the formatting of a cell by using the FORMAT function. This can include changing the font, text size, color, and more. You can even change the formatting of numbers to convert them into $ or %, and format dates to decrease or increase decimal places.

Identifying Rows

The spreadsheet interface is made up of thousands of rectangles called cells. Each cell is the intersection of a row and a column. Rows are identified by letters (A, B, C), and columns are identified by numbers (1, 2, 3). A row can contain more than one number, but a column cannot contain more than one letter.

In Google Sheets, you can move rows up and down by clicking the small square in the bottom-right corner of a selected cell. This is called the fill handle and it will copy the content of that cell to any other cell positioned below or above it. You can also use this method to copy content from one cell to multiple cells, or even an entire row or column.

Another handy tool for working with rows is the freeze row function. This will allow you to see the row headers as you scroll through your spreadsheet. To freeze a row, select the row and click View, Freeze, then 1 row. To unfreeze the row, select the row again and click View, Freeze, then No rows.

You can also use keyboard shortcuts to make working with rows more efficient. Press Ctrl (Command on Mac) and Forward Slash to see a list of compatible keyboard shortcuts for your operating system.

You can also find lots of helpful tips and tutorials on YouTube, such as Ben Mathis’s ‘Learn Google Sheets’ channel, which has over 100 videos and is updated regularly. Whether you’re looking for basic tutorials or advanced tips, these YouTube channels have it all. They’ll help you master the basics, as well as some more complex features like Pivot Tables.

Identifying Columns in Pivot Tables

Pivot tables allow you to summarize and analyze large datasets in a dynamic and efficient manner. Pivot tables can be created from any data set, but they’re most useful when used to identify trends or patterns in your data that would otherwise be difficult or time-consuming to detect manually.

Pivot Tables are built from a field list that contains the building blocks of the data you’re working with. The fields in the field list are grouped into the Rows, Columns, and Values areas of the pivot table. You can rearrange the layout of your Pivot Table by dragging and dropping fields between the different areas in the field list.

You can also use the Expand and Collapse buttons to change how much of your data is displayed in each area of the Pivot Table. This is especially helpful when you have a large amount of data and need to display only the most important information at any given time.

Once you’ve added fields to the Field name section, you can swap the order of the rows and columns in your Pivot Table by clicking and dragging the field names at the top of the field list. You can also change the layout of your Pivot Table by clicking the Layout button in the upper-right corner of the Fields section of the field list.

You can also delete a field in your Pivot Table by selecting it and pressing the “Delete” key. This will remove the formula from the selected cell and free up memory for other calculations. You can also use the Find and Replace tool to search for specific functions that you’ve used in your spreadsheet and replace them with simpler ones that take up less processing power.

Identifying Rows in Pivot Tables

Whether you’re tracking expenses, recording grades, or making your to-do list, Google Sheets is a powerful tool, especially when paired with Sheets AI, that allows you to manipulate and sort large sets of data. You can also apply a variety of formatting options to your data, including font settings and color options, to make it more visually appealing or easier to read.

The most common way to manipulate data is by creating a pivot table, which organizes and summarizes data in an easy-to-understand format. Pivot tables can help you analyze complex datasets by simplifying the data and allowing you to focus on the important information.

When you create a pivot table, the default is to show totals for each row and column. This can be helpful, but you may want to create a different sort of summary for your data.

To do this, select any cell in your pivot table that contains a field you want to change the total for. Then, click the “Alternate Sum” button on the Pivot Table Tools ribbon. This will resort your data based on the selected field, while maintaining the relationship between the data points in each row.

For example, let’s say you entered quarterly sales figures for three products into your spreadsheet. By default, your pivot table will give you the total for each product. However, if you want to know how much each product contributed to company sales in percent, you can edit the total for that product to give you the percentage contribution.

You can also group dates in a pivot table by selecting any date column and choosing “Group” from the context menu. This will display a list of available grouping options, such as days, months, quarters, or years. Choose the option you want and then click “OK.” This will group the dates in your pivot table, displaying the sums for each group.

Identifying Columns in Spreadsheets

When you work in a spreadsheet, information is displayed as rectangles called cells. Each cell can hold a value, either textual or numeric. These values are organized into rows and columns, with columns running vertically across the spreadsheet. Each column is identified by its unique alphabetical header letter. To select a column, hover the cursor over the top edge of the column header. A small black selection arrow will appear. Clicking the arrow once will select the column data without selecting the header; clicking it twice will select the entire column header, including the text within the cell.

The ability to sort and filter your data can help you make sense of it all, especially when working with large amounts of information. Google Sheets comes with a few built-in filters that can be useful for this purpose, and you can also add custom ones using the Filter Function. In addition to standard filters, you can also use the ‘=CLEAN’ and ‘=PROPER’ functions to remove non-printable characters and capitalization from names, which can make it easier to read and work with the data.

If you have a lot of data, it can be helpful to organize it into tables. This can make it easier to find and understand the data, and it can also help you spot trends and patterns in your data. Google Sheets offers a few tools that can help you do this, including the Table function and Explore.

Google Sheets is an intuitive piece of online spreadsheet software that can save you time and effort by allowing you to create, edit, and collaborate on documents from anywhere. With its powerful features and seamless integration with other Google services, it can help you work more efficiently and effectively.

Chiropractic Tips For How To Get Relief from Neck Pain

Neck pain, stiffness or soreness that is caused by muscle spasms usually goes away on its own within a few days. But if it persists, or is accompanied by numbness and weakness, you should consult your chiropractor.

There are several things you can do at home to relieve neck pain and prevent it from recurring. This includes avoiding bad posture, taking breaks from long periods of sitting and ensuring your chair provides proper back support.


Neck pain can be caused by many factors. Often it is caused by poor posture, working at a computer, sleeping in a bad position or a fall or injury to the neck. Some pain can be relieved by simple changes such as getting a better night’s sleep, improving your posture and using a good neck pillow. It is also important to keep the neck muscles flexible and strong so a regular exercise regime should be part of your daily routine, starting off slowly with any new exercises.

Using ice and heat to reduce neck pain is very effective. The ice reduces inflammation and the heat loosens stiff muscles. It is recommended to alternate ice and heat several times a day. If you are unsure about the best way to do this, ask your chiropractor for advice.

Stress is also a major cause of neck pain. There are many relaxation, meditation or mindfulness tapes, CDs and MP3 downloads available that can help to relax the neck muscles. Some are free on the internet, others can be purchased from chemists and high street shops. Getting a good night’s sleep is also important and the neck should be kept in a neutral position (not tilted or twisted) at all times.


Neck pain is a common condition that can affect anyone. It may be caused by a poor posture, muscle strain or underlying medical conditions. Fortunately, mild to moderate neck pain often responds to home treatment methods such as ice or heat and gentle range of motion exercises. If your neck pain is severe or interferes with your daily activities, it is a good idea to visit a spine specialist for evaluation and treatment.

To help relieve your neck pain, you should start by resting the area for a few days. However, you should not stay in one position for too long as this can cause your muscles to weaken and your joints to stiffen. Instead, try to move around as much as possible while keeping your head in a neutral position. It is also a good idea to do neck exercises regularly to keep the muscles in your neck strong and flexible.

Applying ice is especially helpful in reducing neck pain and inflammation. Place a cold pack or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel on the site of your neck pain for 15 minutes every few hours. The cold tightens the blood vessels in the neck, reducing swelling and numbness and easing your neck pain.


Described as a “pain in the neck,” stiffness is an uncomfortable condition that affects a significant percentage of the population at some point. It can be caused by a variety of conditions, including muscle strains and herniated discs, whiplash, poor posture, arthritis, or stress. Depending on the severity, neck pain can affect your ability to perform tasks at work and at home.

A good massage can significantly reduce neck pain and help the muscles heal. The goal of the massage is to encourage an increase in blood flow, which enables muscle fibres to relax and loosen. The increased blood flow also allows the muscles to receive more oxygen and nutrients, which can speed up healing.

There are 18 muscles and 25 ligaments in the neck, which makes it prone to injury from everyday activities like sleeping with a head bent forward or carrying a heavy bag on one shoulder. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help prevent neck pain, such as adjusting your sleep position and taking breaks from staring at a screen. For more severe or long-lasting neck problems, you should visit a chiropractor or physical therapist to get an in-depth treatment plan.


The average human head weighs about 10 pounds, and the neck has a lot of work to do to support it. That’s why it is important to stretch the neck regularly by gently moving it from side to side and up and down. In addition to stretching, you should take steps to prevent neck pain by maintaining good posture while sitting or standing, not slouching while working at the computer and sleeping on the right pillow.

While it is tempting to rest the neck when it feels sore, this actually makes the pain worse because it allows the muscles to stiffen. Instead, try gentle exercises that improve the range of motion of the neck, such as nodding your head forward and backward. This is an easy exercise that you can do while sitting or standing and may be done several times a day.

Before starting neck exercise, apply a heating pad (or a microwavable wheat bag or a hot-water bottle wrapped in a towel) to warm up the stiff muscles and joints. Then, after exercising the neck, use a cold pack to reduce inflammation and numb the pain. Alternating these methods for 15 minutes at a time several times a day will help to relieve neck pain.

Change Your Sleeping Position

Over time, poor sleeping posture can cause neck muscles to strain and become sore or stiff. Sleeping with an awkward neck position can also lead to longer-term issues such as numbness or weakness in the arms and hands. If your neck pain continues to get worse, consult your doctor or a physical therapist.

Back sleeping is the most preferred sleeping position for neck pain because it supports the natural curve of the spine and minimises stress on the neck muscles. If you find it difficult to sleep on your back, try placing a small pillow or rolled up towel under your neck for extra support. Avoid a pillow that is too high or low, as this can force your neck into an unnatural position and increase your risk of injury.

While it may be difficult to change your sleeping position, making the effort can help you find neck pain relief and prevent long-term problems. Incorporating gentle neck stretches into your routine can also improve flexibility and reduce the likelihood of pain and stiffness in the future. Simple exercises such as neck rotations, tilting the head side to side, and shoulder rolls can help relax the muscles in your neck and ease tension.

Change Your Diet

The neck is a complex structure. Its job is to support the weight of the head while allowing you to move your head freely. Its seven bones are separated by shock-absorbing disks and supported by tendons and ligaments. So, it’s no wonder that injury or overuse can lead to stiffness and pain in the neck.

Your diet has a huge impact on your body and neck health. It’s important to cut out sugary, processed foods and instead eat whole grains, healthy fats like nuts and avocado, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. The antioxidants found in these foods can help decrease inflammation and prevent cellular damage, which are both associated with neck strain.

Stress can also make your neck pain worse, so it’s important to try to manage your stress levels. Meditation, mindfulness and relaxation techniques can all be helpful for this. Taking up a hobby, or spending time with loved ones can also be great stress relievers. A good massage can also be helpful – but make sure to use a qualified therapist. Massaging your neck muscles gently, with the right amount of pressure, can often alleviate pain. You can also apply a heat pack or an ice pack to your neck, to help ease the pain.

Talk to Your Chiropractor

It’s important to discuss your symptoms with your chiropractor, especially if they’re decently skilled, like the Des Moines chiropractors. They will want to know what kind of pain you have, where the pain is located and how it started. They may also ask you about any lifestyle factors that could be contributing to your neck pain. For example, stress can often cause neck pain. To ease stress-related pain, try using relaxation, meditation or mindfulness tapes, CDs or downloads, which are available from many high-street and online shops.

Another common factor that can contribute to neck pain is facet joint pain. This can be a dull or aching pain and is usually worse when you move your neck. If you have this type of neck pain, your chiropractor might suggest facet joint manipulation to ease the pain and discomfort.

It’s also important to communicate your goals with your chiropractor. They will be able to help you achieve those by giving you advice and performing treatment that is specifically suited to your needs. For example, they may recommend massage, heat or ice therapy. They might also use soft tissue therapy and kinesio taping to relieve spasms, tension and tight muscles. They might also provide diet and weight loss counselling, which can help with reducing inflammation and achieving a healthy bodyweight.

DIY Plumbing Tips for Homeowners and The Like

The plumbing system is complex, but DIYers can handle many repair and maintenance tasks. Knowing your limits is key to avoid damage or safety hazards.

Keep drain strainers or screens in tub and shower drains to catch hair and soap residue, which reduces the risk of clogs. Maintaining water pressure also minimizes clogs.

Know Your Limits

When a plumbing emergency arises, a homeowner can feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start. However, learning a few essential DIY plumbing tips can demystify the world of pipes, fixtures and drains, empowering homeowners to take proactive measures in their homes.

Taking on DIY projects is a great way to save money and learn new skills, but it’s important for homeowners to know when it’s time to call in the professionals. Recognizing when a project requires professional intervention will prevent potential hazards and ensure a successful outcome.

Some DIY plumbing projects require a high level of expertise and skill to complete safely and correctly. Major leaks, burst pipes and sewer line backups are all serious issues that should never be attempted on your own and require expert attention. Homeowners who understand their plumbing systems and recognize when a project requires professional assistance will be better equipped to handle future repairs or maintenance tasks.

For example, a minor issue like a slow-draining sink or bathtub can be fixed by using a plunger or drain snake to dislodge the clog. Regularly cleaning out drain strainers and screens in tubs and showers can also help reduce the risk of clogs and encourage proper drainage. Additionally, avoiding flushing products such as wet wipes and choosing septic-safe toilet paper can limit the amount of debris that enters the system and causes clogs.

Another common DIY mistake is over-tightening connections or fittings. This can strip the screws and cause further damage to the system. It’s also important to remember to be careful when using harsh chemicals that may damage fixtures or corrode pipes. Lastly, be sure to check the water quality regularly, as mineral buildup can lead to clogs and other problems in your home.

Overall, understanding your plumbing system and implementing a few simple DIY solutions can help reduce the risk of costly repairs and improve the longevity of your home’s plumbing. By identifying complex issues, encouraging preventative maintenance and knowing when to call in the experts, homeowners can achieve a healthy and thriving plumbing system. Contact B&L Plumbing to learn more about our comprehensive plumbing services for homeowners in the Kansas City metro area.

Know the Location of the Shut-Off Valve

One of the most important DIY plumbing tips is knowing where your main water shut-off valve is located. This will allow you to quickly shut off the water supply in the event of an emergency, such as a burst pipe. This will minimize the amount of damage caused by the leak and prevent any further flooding or water damage from occurring in your home.

You can usually find the main water shut-off valve in your basement or crawl space, in a utility area, or in the garage. It is also common for older homes to have the valve buried outside near the water meter. In this case, you may need a wrench to remove the cover and turn off the water.

It is also a good idea to use drain strainers in your sinks and bathtubs, as these simple tools can significantly reduce the number of clogs that occur. By trapping hair, soap residue, and other debris before they have a chance to flow into the pipes, these devices will prevent many of the common causes of clogs. This can save you time, money, and frustration down the road.

Another great tip is to regularly clean out your drains. This will prevent buildup and clogs from occurring in the first place, which can lead to costly repairs down the road. In addition to regular cleaning, it is a good idea to install a water filter in your kitchen faucet, as this can also help with reducing the number of clogs that occur.

Many plumbing problems can be solved with a little bit of research and preparation on your part. You should have a bucket to catch the water, a plunger, and a variety of wrenches in different sizes (including Allen keys). Additionally, it is a good idea to have duct tape, leak sealing tape, and a strong glue around for emergencies.

Some of the most expensive repairs that homeowners face are due to leaking or broken pipes. These can be very costly to repair, so it is a good idea to learn as much as possible about your home’s plumbing system and how to perform basic maintenance, or check out cost effective experts like the Shreveport plumbers.

Have the Right Tools

While calling a plumber is certainly the best solution for many plumbing issues, there are some minor jobs that homeowners can handle on their own. With a little knowledge, the right tools, and a willingness to get messy, homeowners can save money and gain a sense of accomplishment by fixing common problems themselves.

The first step in tackling DIY plumbing is knowing where your home’s shut-off valve is located. This is important because it allows you to turn off water flow to a specific fixture or pipe in an emergency, minimizing damage and allowing you to make repairs. It is also helpful to know where your water meter is, as you will need this information if you ever have to turn off the water to the entire house.

A basic tool kit for DIY plumbing should include a pair of pliers, a wrench, and a plunger. Pliers are used for gripping and turning parts, while wrenches provide the leverage needed to remove rusted or old fittings. A pair of rubber gloves will also come in handy for protecting your hands during the job. Another essential tool is Teflon tape, which can be wrapped around the threads of pipe fittings to create a seal and prevent leaks.

Other plumbing DIY tips for homeowners include using drain strainers and showerheads to prevent clogs. These simple devices can significantly reduce the amount of hair, soap scum, and other debris that ends up in drains and pipes. By incorporating these into your cleaning routine, you can help prevent costly and inconvenient plumbing emergencies.

Another quick and easy DIY plumbing tip is to install a new showerhead. An older, clogged showerhead can dramatically affect your shower experience and water use. By replacing an outdated showerhead with a more efficient model, you can cut your water bill and enjoy a better experience each time you take a bath or shower.

Know the Proper Procedure

There are few things more frustrating than a clogged drain or leaky faucet. While calling a plumber can be the quickest and most effective solution, homeowners can learn to take on some of these projects themselves. The key is to prioritize safety and have the proper tools. Mastering DIY plumbing can save money and give homeowners a sense of accomplishment and independence.

One of the most important DIY plumbing tips is to understand how your home’s pipes and fixtures work. This knowledge can help you spot potential problems before they occur, and it will also make it easier to perform repairs and upgrades. It is also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the types of pipes used in your home, including their materials and colors. This will allow you to identify and distinguish between different pipe materials when working on a project.

Another tip is to learn how to shut off the water supply to individual fixtures. This will allow you to stop the flow of water to a specific fixture without affecting the rest of your house when performing DIY plumbing tasks. For example, if you are working on a leaky sink, you can turn off the valve under the sink to prevent flooding while you perform the repair. This will also prevent water from flowing into places where it is not supposed to go, which can lead to costly damage and wasted water.

Finally, it is a good idea to invest in a water test kit so that you can learn more about the quality of your home’s water. This will help you determine if your water has high mineral content, which can cause clogs and other issues. You can then purchase filters or water softeners to reduce the amount of minerals in your home’s water.

By following these simple DIY plumbing tips, you can keep common household problems at bay and even complete some major plumbing repairs. Just remember to always prioritize safety, have the right tools on hand, and know your limitations. With a little practice, you can become your own plumbing hero.

The Fascinating World of Airline Logistics

From trucks on the highways to cargo ships sailing across the ocean, logistics keeps the wheels of commerce spinning. Check out these 10 fun logistics facts to discover the ingenuity and innovation that power this vital industry.

For example, did you know that air freight can cut the shipping time from China to the United States by up to six weeks?


Transportation is a vital part of our modern economy. It enables us to get access to the things we value and need in order to live, such as work, food, shelter, and entertainment. It is the backbone of a global network that trades $18 trillion worth of goods and moves the world’s population over 81 trillion kilometers each year. It also impacts the climate, accounting for 23% of the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Airline logistics is one of the most important aspects of the airline industry, providing a critical service that enables companies to transport their products and services around the world quickly and efficiently. The aviation logistics industry encompasses all of the activities necessary for managing and coordinating airline freight transportation, including booking cargo space on flights, preparing and packaging goods for air travel, and arranging shipping from origin to destination.

Cargo handling and storage: Airline logistics companies are responsible for handling, storing, and managing cargo at airports. They also prepare goods for air travel and ensure that they are loaded onto aircraft correctly. They may also provide secure storage facilities. Air freight companies often form alliances with other cargo airlines to offer a comprehensive logistics solution, such as SkyTeam Cargo, which regroups companies such as Aeromexico Cargo, Air France Cargo, KLM Cargo, and Alitalia Cargo.

The transportation aspect of airline logistics involves the actual movement of goods and passengers between destinations. This is usually done using vehicles such as cars, buses, trucks, trains, ships, and planes. It can be a complex system, especially in large cities where many modes of transportation intersect and operate simultaneously. In the United States, for example, the transportation web is densest in the general area bounded by the Ohio and Potomac rivers, as well as several corridors connecting major industrialized areas such as New York City; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Baltimore, Maryland; and Washington, D.C. The underlying systems that support the transportation of goods and passengers are equally complex and include highways, railways, ports, and pipelines. Transportation is a global network that links businesses with customers, suppliers, and workers.


Airline logistics is the process of planning and coordinating the flow of goods and services through the aviation industry. It involves a wide range of activities, including transportation, inventory management, and distribution. Effective aviation logistics management can improve efficiency and reduce costs, making it an important aspect of the airline industry.

Airlines rely on the effective management of transportation and warehousing to provide passengers with a seamless travel experience. As the demand for air travel increases, airlines need to ensure that their supply chain is capable of accommodating this increased volume without impacting operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. The industry is also faced with a growing number of regulatory challenges, which add to the complexity of airline logistics management.

The logistics industry is one of the most important sectors in the global economy. It provides vital services that support the entire value chain, from raw materials to consumer products. In addition, logistics companies help to reduce cost and time in the supply chain by ensuring that goods are delivered on time and in full. The industry also plays a key role in supporting the global economy by creating jobs, providing opportunities for growth, and contributing to sustainable development.

For example, in the United States, trucking is the most common mode of freight transport, with over 3.5 million truck drivers. However, there is also a significant amount of freight transported by rail. This is partly due to the fact that rail transport is much more energy-efficient than trucks, as it uses less fuel and emits fewer emissions. In addition, rail transport is more flexible and can accommodate a wider range of shipping requirements than road transportation.

The aviation logistics industry is a complex and dynamic field, with many different aspects that require careful planning and coordination. The success of this industry depends on the ability to respond quickly and efficiently to changing demands. For example, how Vail businesses face challenges, or if there is a sudden increase in passenger demand due to a major sporting event, effective logistics management can help airlines to quickly procure additional aircraft and coordinate the transportation of extra fuel, catering supplies, and luggage.

Passenger Services

In the airline industry, passenger services are a crucial aspect of airline operations. Keeping passengers happy and comfortable onboard is important to ensure passenger loyalty, especially during a stressful time like flight delays or cancellations. Fortunately, airlines have many tools to address passenger needs and ensure a positive experience.

Passenger service systems (PSS) are key to this effort. These systems enable airlines to manage a wide range of passenger-related tasks, including check-in procedures, baggage handling, and ancillary service offerings. They also enable airlines to communicate with passengers throughout the travel process.

The core functionality of a PSS resides in three key subsystems: the Airline Reservation System, the Airline Inventory System, and the Departure Control System. Each module has its own specifics, but they are all connected to each other and collaborate seamlessly to proficiently support airline passenger management.

Airline Reservation Systems allow travelers to purchase flights via online and offline channels. This includes GDSs, OTAs, and third-party booking platforms. These systems also facilitate interline partnerships and provide real-time flight status updates and connections to connecting flights. They can even handle booking changes and cancelations.

Ticketing Solutions help airlines create and sell ancillary bundles, event tickets, city tours, and more. They are tightly integrated with the reservation system and can be used across check-in touchpoints such as websites, mobile apps, and kiosks. They can also offer advanced merchandising tools and a powerful e-commerce engine that is compatible with multiple payment gateways.

Inventory Management automates inventory control and boosts yield on high-demand flights, while providing a seamless experience for connecting passengers. It also enables airlines to identify their most valuable customers and prioritize them accordingly. Additionally, this component can automate seat selection and wait-list access rules and optimizes pricing based on customer value.

While airline passenger services can be complex, there are many software and IT solutions that can help to make it more streamlined and efficient. By implementing these systems, airlines can better meet the demands of their customers and maximize their revenue potential. Several airlines, even those that stick with a low-cost business model, have started investing in passenger services solutions and upgrading their outdated IT platforms.


Maintenance is the functional inspection, servicing, repairing, or replacing of necessary devices, equipment, machinery, building infrastructure, and utilities in industrial, business, and residential installations. Aviation logistics technology platforms, such as TRACTIAN, can help with various aspects of airline maintenance, including:

improving inventory accuracy and accountability by enabling smart, transparent inventory tracking and verification;

Aussie Strategist Shaking Up Global Politics: An Inside Look

Australia’s economic, strategic and military engagements in Asia have put it at the centre of 21st century great power competition. Its access to growing regional economies and the strategic sea lines of communication supporting over 90 per cent of global trade, coupled with ancient and more recent enmities, puts it in the crosshairs of rivals seeking to leverage Indo-Pacific power. Lynton Crosby, sometimes refered to as the “Australian Karl Rove”, is a figure with extensive knowledge on this subject.

The rise of China

The rise of China has profound implications for global politics. It has boosted the economies of many developing nations, including Australia, while threatening the balance of power between liberal and authoritarian powers. It has also contributed to an increase in global instability, including tensions over territorial disputes and contested maritime waters. It is now one of the world’s leading military powers, whose increasing ambitions are provoking great concern.

Historically, Beijing’s strategy has been to reduce the hold of Western liberal powers on the institutions and arrangements of the global order. In many domains, including trade and climate change, it has done so with considerable success. But on other issues, including human rights and internet governance, it seeks to undermine those institutions and norms.

For example, in the early 1990s, China embraced multilateralism and joined international institutions and agreements, in a move designed to rebuild its reputation and ties with other countries after the severe crackdown on democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square in 1989. But on issues in which it diverges from the current system of global governance, such as human rights, Beijing is working with other authoritarian powers to establish alternative institutions and models.

In this episode of Lowy Institute Conversations, we look at Australia’s response to the rise of China with our guest Major General (Ret) Mick Ryan, Director of Policy at the Lowy Institute and a former Australian Army Chief of Staff with 35 years of operational service. He joins Sam Roggeveen to discuss the Institute’s new review of Australia’s armed forces, a key piece in shaping the country’s strategic thinking.

In a series of interviews with Lowy scholars, the institute looks at some of the key issues in Australia’s foreign and defence policy. The first of these is our new report on the future of the Asia-Pacific, which considers Australia’s future role in this vital region as China rises, and the challenges and opportunities this will bring. The other is our new report on a new Australian Defence Force Strategic Framework, which explores how the country can ensure it has the capabilities to meet its evolving security needs.

The US-China relationship

When a country experiences disruption to the balance between its identity and its external environment, it responds with efforts to restore that equilibrium. The result is a dynamic of uncertainty and anxiety that is hard to avoid in global politics. When this cycle is exacerbated by a powerful actor like China, the outcome can be a long-term strategic stalemate and potentially a dangerous downward spiral.

The deterioration in US-China relations has not yet stalled the process of increasing American and other Western economies’ exposure to the Chinese economy. Yet it has impeded coordination on major challenges where the two countries carry the biggest economic, environmental, and technological weight in the international system. If the estrangement deepens, as Economy argues, it will become more difficult to meet these challenges without the United States and China aligning on how best to proceed.

Similarly, Australia’s China policy has recently shifted in the direction of greater convergence with the US strategy on both economic and security issues. The Australian government has initiated an international inquiry into the origin of COVID-19 and is pushing back against China’s efforts to censor social media. It has tightened visa rules for Chinese citizens and is pushing back against Beijing’s attempts to influence a generation of young Australians through the tech giant TikTok, owned by the state-run firm ByteDance.

The current escalation in trade disputes and efforts to limit China’s influence undermine the connective tissue of US-China relations, a development that runs counter to the predictions of conventional materialist approaches like neorealism. However, the relationship will not collapse, at least not based on domestic factors alone. Unless the US and China find common ground in advancing radically alternative visions of world order, it is unlikely that they can build a productive relationship. This would require a dramatic shift in internal political dynamics or a major crisis that forces the two to align. Until then, the bilateral relationship is likely to remain in a permanent state of turbulence and volatility.

The Middle East

The Middle East is one of the world’s most contested regions. A raging war in Syria, political infighting in Lebanon, and unrest across Yemen are among the most pressing issues, but there is also an intense rivalry between two regional powers – Iran and Saudi Arabia – to establish their dominance in the region. These competing ambitions have fueled a host of conflicts and inflamed sectarian tensions.

In the past, foreign intervention in the Middle East has elicited mixed results. While economic development and democracy have emerged in many countries, the conflict also left a legacy of sustained violence, anti-Western sentiment, and state fragility.

As the US continues to reassess its commitment to the region, it will need to develop new strategies for the Middle East that promote stability and encourage local ownership of key decision making. This will require an increase in the scale and intensity of its engagement with local players to support political and economic reforms and promote a negotiated settlement between Israel and the Palestinians.

Historically, foreign influence in the Middle East has been highly concentrated and unevenly distributed between major powers. But since the Six Day War of 1967, when Israel took control of Egypt’s Sinai peninsula, Syria’s Golan Heights, and the Israeli occupied territories of East Jerusalem, Gaza, and the West Bank, the balance has shifted. Israel now controls the largest territorial swath in the Middle East, a position that has helped fuel an escalating conflict with Palestinians and has contributed to the growing numbers and plight of refugees in the region.

While this is a significant shift in the distribution of power in the Middle East, it is unlikely to bring about a lasting solution to the conflict. The Middle East is home to some of the earliest human civilizations, and its cultural, political, and economic complexity has long captivated outsiders. This diversity is a source of richness for the region and may provide opportunities to bolster local economies. However, these opportunities must be carefully weighed against the risks of further inflaming regional tensions and the risk of new foreign interventions.

The Asia-Pacific

The Asia–Pacific region is a global powerhouse and its rapid economic growth has lifted about a billion people out of poverty since the turn of the century. But the region’s resource-intensive economic expansion is also placing a strain on the environment and people’s living standards.

As a result, the region’s leaders are seeking to foster closer cooperation with each other and with other parts of the world. This is reflected in efforts such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Indo-Pacific concept.

These developments are likely to shape Australia’s future foreign policy choices. A key question is whether or not Canberra will remain a benign player in the Asia–Pacific region as it pursues its trade and security interests.

The upcoming Australian election will be a crucial test of this question. The incumbent Liberal–National Coalition has been weakened by political turmoil over the handling of domestic violence, and its popularity ratings have slipped in the latest Resolve poll. In addition, a growing number of voters are expressing dissatisfaction with the cost of living and its failure to deliver promised tax cuts.

In contrast, Labor leader Bill Shorten has a strong personal brand as an advocate for the working class, and his party is well-positioned to take advantage of voter dissatisfaction with the coalition. If the party can harness dissatisfaction with Canberra’s indifference to their needs and boost its support in rural and regional areas, it might be able to unseat the conservative government and regain control of the Senate.

One important question is how the party will respond to Australia’s growing tensions with China. The new prime minister, Scott Morrison, has taken a tougher line on China, and the Liberal–National Coalition is no longer coy about publicly accusing Beijing of undermining its national security. This has been a major shift for the country, which once sought to balance its trade and strategic relationships with both Beijing and Washington.

Why Your Next Flooring Should Be Epoxy—Not Tiles

Articles are a great way to enlighten your audience on a topic and inspire interaction. Whether you’re a pest control company or hotel chain, articles can help build your brand and increase customer engagement.

Epoxy is a durable material that is resistant to many things that would damage other floors. It also has a smooth, shiny appearance that is attractive to the eye.

1. Durability

Epoxy floors are an excellent choice for any environment where durability is a major concern. Unlike tiles, epoxy floors are durable enough to support heavy equipment and wheeled vehicles without cracking or chipping. They can also be made to withstand extreme temperatures. This is an important consideration for facilities that store or handle hazardous materials because the floor can remain unaffected by spills or leaking containers.

Epoxies can be designed to look a variety of ways, allowing for a great deal of creative flexibility in the design of your facility. Using special pigments and techniques, your epoxy floor can be molded to look like liquid metal, colored glass, storm clouds or moon craters. This makes your facility unique and allows you to create a specific mood or aesthetic in your space.

Another advantage of epoxy is its resistance to chemical damage. While tile can be damaged by certain chemicals, epoxy is resistant to most, if not all. This is an especially useful feature for commercial spaces that may experience oil or other chemical spills. Because the epoxy forms a non-porous seal over the concrete, it prevents the toxins from being absorbed into the ground, making cleanup much easier.

As with any flooring material, the longevity of your epoxy floor depends on how it is treated and maintained. Sweeping and vacuuming regularly, wiping up spills promptly, and avoiding the use of abrasive cleaners or equipment will help prolong its lifespan. Other factors that can affect its durability include the amount and type of traffic it experiences, and the level of chemical exposure. Maintaining a consistent curing temperature and minimizing exposure to extreme conditions can also increase the lifespan of your epoxy.

2. Low Maintenance

Many facility managers have found that their tile floors just don’t stand up to heavy foot traffic and the weight of machinery and vehicles. This is where epoxy really shines. Once installed, an epoxy floor requires very little maintenance to keep it in good condition. Simply sweep and mop on a regular basis to remove dirt and debris and the flooring will look great. Tiles, on the other hand, have grout lines which can become dirty and create trip hazards if not cleaned properly.

In addition to being able to hold up to the pressure of cars, trucks and heavy equipment, an epoxy floor can also be made slip-resistant by adding a grit additive to the protective coating. This can be an especially important feature for public safety facilities where vehicles and emergency responders are often moving around on the floor.

Another big advantage of epoxy is that it is much easier to clean than tiles. While tiles can be cleaned with a variety of cleaners and brushes, epoxy requires only sweeping or vacuuming on a regular basis to keep it looking new.

It’s also easy to wipe up any liquid spills on an epoxy floor as they come up, unlike tile which can stain and damage the surface if not cleaned immediately. It’s a good idea to place a non-slip mat under vehicles that will be parked on an epoxy floor in order to protect the material from battery acid, which can discolor even the toughest of epoxy flooring materials.

3. Easy to Clean

Because of its durability, epoxy floors are very easy to clean and keep sanitized. This makes them a popular choice in facilities where germs, bacteria and other pathogens are common. It is very hard to create an atmosphere that is completely free of microbes, especially in high-traffic areas.

Epoxy flooring is much easier to sanitize than tile floors, making it a healthier choice for your facility. Sweeping and mopping your epoxy floor with a mild detergent solution on a weekly basis will help to remove dirt, bacteria and other debris from the surface. This will also extend the life of your flooring and will protect it from damage.

Sweeping your floor regularly will help to remove any dirt particles that are trapped in the curves of the epoxy coating. This will prevent your flooring from becoming uneven over time, and will prevent any cracks in the surface. It is a good idea to vacuum, sweep or dust mop your floor every week, depending on how busy the area is. If your floor is used for vehicles, be sure to wipe up any oils, anti-freeze or other chemicals that may drip onto the flooring to prevent them from becoming a permanent stain.

Epoxy systems are generally more resistant to scratches, scuffing and impact damage than tiles. However, as with any flooring option, both tiles and epoxy will deteriorate over time. If you have any large gouges, cuts or scratches in your floor that aren’t addressed promptly, they can erode the material underneath and cause it to fail. In most cases, a simple cleaning process using hot water and a mild detergent will be enough to restore the appearance of your floor.

4. Aesthetics

When it comes to flooring, aesthetics play a key role in determining the overall look and feel of an interior. Epoxy is an increasingly popular choice for commercial and residential spaces because of its unique, customizable aesthetics that can enhance the ambiance of any room.

Epoxy offers endless possibilities in terms of style, color, and texture. With techniques such as color blending, shimmering flakes, and embedding custom designs or logos into the epoxy, designers can create floors that perfectly match any design theme or preference. Additionally, the seamless nature of epoxy flooring obliterates the need for grout lines and seams, which can add to its visual appeal and ease of cleaning.

Additionally, with the right pigments and techniques, epoxy can be made to resemble lava lamps, liquid metal, colored glass, storm clouds, moon craters, and more. Because of the way these pigments interact with light, no two rooms with epoxy floors will ever look exactly the same. Additionally, epoxy is extremely durable compared to tile and won’t fade or crack over time.

While a lot of people might be impressed by the variety of styles and colors available in tile, many may be disappointed by how these tiles can easily become dull and lifeless after some time. This is because most tile flooring options don’t offer much in terms of durability or visual impact and require regular maintenance to keep them looking new.

Fortunately, with epoxy, all of these problems can be avoided. Epoxy is highly resistant to scuffs, scratches, and stains, and can easily withstand the heavy weight of carts and furniture. In addition, epoxy floors are a great option for areas where vehicles and machinery often need to be moved around. However, it is important to note that epoxy can be damaged if heavy furniture or equipment is dragged across the surface, so it’s a good idea to use protective pads or lift and carry any large items rather than drag them.

5. Cost

In the short term, tile floors can appear to be less expensive than epoxy flooring. However, once the tiles start to fail, facility managers are often forced to pay for costly reinstallation and repairs in order to prevent safety hazards. This can result in a loss of company revenue due to extended or lapsed production.

Moreover, damaged or cracked tiles can create a dangerously slippery floor. If a person is not careful, a simple slip can result in serious injury or even death. This is why it’s so important for facility managers to invest in a durable flooring material that provides safety and security.

When properly installed, epoxy floor coatings are durable and long-lasting. This is an example of A Step-by-Step Installation Guide for Epoxy Floors. Moreover, it is an environmentally friendly option.

The durability of epoxy is a result of its resinous makeup. Resins make it resistant to a variety of stresses. It can withstand the weight of heavy vehicles, rolling tool carts, and even jack stands. It also resists chemical and oil spills. Furthermore, epoxy is an impenetrable seal, preventing bacteria and chemicals from being absorbed into the concrete and contaminating the area.

Although epoxy can be quite costly, it is an investment that will last for years to come. Depending on the area and type of epoxy, the cost can vary. However, it is vital to understand that the cost of a professional installation and proper concrete preparation should be factored in.

It’s critical to note that improperly installed epoxy can void the manufacturer warranty. The best way to avoid voiding the warranty is to hire a professional flooring contractor.

The Controversial Guide to Salary-Based Ring Budgets

Many of us are familiar with the old-school rule that suggests men should spend three months’ salary on an engagement ring. But where does this societal pressure to spend come from? And how can we take a smarter approach to saving for our significant other’s big purchase? We spoke to experts for some insight.

Set a Budget

If you’re thinking about proposing, you probably have some ring-related questions on your mind. One of the most common concerns is how much to spend on the ring. The old rule of two months’ salary has been around for a while, but it isn’t necessarily a hard and fast rule that you must follow.

The rule originated from a marketing campaign by diamond giant De Beers, who wanted to equate the size of a diamond with your love and commitment. Over time, this guideline became ingrained in our societal expectations and led to an expectation of engagement ring cost that could be out of reach for many couples.

A better approach is to figure out your financial situation, which will help determine a budget that makes sense for you and your partner. To do so, add up all of your monthly income sources and subtract your expenses. Once you have an idea of your budget, you can start searching for the perfect ring.

In addition to your current income and expenses, it’s important to consider your future financial goals as a couple. Do you want to save for a home, have children in the future or make other large investments? These should all play a role in your engagement ring budget.

Finally, don’t forget to factor in any other financial considerations that may impact your budget, such as existing debt and lifestyle choices. If you are unable to afford a ring now, be sure to find an affordable option that allows you the opportunity for upgrades down the road. If you’re able to purchase an upgrade at a later date, you won’t be starting your marriage with financial stress weighing on you from the get-go.

Create a Savings Account

It’s common to hear the old advice that you should spend two or three months’ salary on an engagement ring. However, this guideline is outdated and doesn’t take into account the fact that everyone has unique financial situations. For example, someone who makes $60,000 a year may have more debt and living expenses than another person making the same amount.

A better option is to save a percentage of your monthly income, which will be easier to track than a flat figure. Using budgeting tools, such as EveryDollar, you can set up automatic transfers to a separate savings account. This way, the funds are automatically earmarked and you won’t have to think about them as much. Depending on your timeline, you may also want to consider a high-yield savings account (HYSA), which can help you maximize your earnings.

Another important step is to look for ways to cut non-essential spending, such as subscriptions or luxuries. This can free up more money to put toward a ring. If you’re able to make these changes without increasing your overall income, it should be easy enough to reach your goal. Alternatively, you could use unexpected windfalls, such as bonuses or tax returns, to supplement your savings.

Create a Savings Goal

If you’re following the traditional guidelines, your engagement ring budget should be around two to three months of salary. This figure should align with your financial situation and your partner’s preferences. However, there are plenty of other things you’ll need to pay for. Make sure you have a solid emergency savings plan in place, and don’t forget to factor in your monthly loan or credit card payments. To get a realistic idea of how much you should be saving each month, start by determining which expenses are essential and non-essential. Using your spending data, you can determine which categories need to be cut back while still allowing for fun activities and the occasional treat.

Once you know which categories you can trim, set a realistic goal to save that amount each month. You may need to take on a side hustle or find ways to reduce your daily spending to achieve that goal. For example, instead of buying a new outfit at the mall, consider shopping thrift stores for a bargain. Alternatively, cook dinner at home and use public transportation to lower your daily spend.

Alternatively, if you’re comfortable with doing so, you can also save toward your ring by selling any high-value items you no longer need. This is a great way to apply Marie Kondo’s philosophy of letting go of items that don’t “spark joy.” Using app-based marketplaces like Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace or selling through sites like Poshmark can be an effective strategy for expediting your savings goals.

If you’re really serious about meeting your savings goals, you can even move back in with your parents to minimize expenses. Regardless of how you achieve your savings goals, remember that any savings is better than nothing.

Create a Spending Plan

Ultimately, you must determine what is an appropriate ring budget for your financial situation. This requires looking at your current financial situation and evaluating the needs versus wants of both you and your partner. A salary-based metric is not ideal as it doesn’t take into account debt and other financial obligations. Moreover, it does not factor in the cost of living and other expenses which are unique to each person or region. The three months’ salary rule may also be impractical for some people, particularly in cultures where the ring is just one component of wider lobola (bride price) customs.
Rather than relying on the outdated two months’ salary rule (which was invented by diamond company De Beers for marketing purposes), NerdWallet recommends using a spending plan to create an engagement ring budget that fits your unique situation. The first step is to calculate your monthly discretionary income, including automatic deductions for 401(k), savings, and health and life insurance. Then subtract any expenses you have to pay on a regular basis, such as rent, utilities and loan or credit card payments.
When creating your spending plan, it’s also important to consider your other financial goals and priorities. For example, if you’re planning a Wedding on a budget, you may need to allocate more funds towards the wedding expenses and choose a more modest engagement ring. Alternatively, if you’re saving for a down payment on a house or have significant student loan debt, you may need to adjust your ring budget accordingly. By taking a holistic view of your finances and priorities, you can create a spending plan that allows you to purchase a meaningful engagement ring without compromising your other financial goals.