The Do’s and Don’ts of Storefront Sign Design

Creating a storefront sign is a great way to advertise your business, but it can be a bit tricky. Before you begin, you’ll want to understand what the dos and don’ts are for creating a great sign. By following these tips, you’ll be able to create a sign that will last for years to come.

Color combinations

Choosing the right color combinations for storefront sign design requires careful consideration. The right combination will help to make your sign stand out from the rest and attract attention.

The color wheel is a handy tool for deciding the best combinations for storefront sign design. The wheel is made up of the primary colors, secondary colors, and tertiary colors. Each color has its own meaning, and choosing the right color combination can have a dramatic effect on the image and tone of your business.

Warm colors such as yellow and orange are known to encourage relaxation. Bright colors attract attention. When choosing colors for storefront sign design, keep in mind that the color of the background can be a factor in how visible your sign is. If your sign sits against a bright blue sky, for example, it won’t stand out.

For more visibility, you should choose contrasting colors. A neon signage is the best choice for maximum visibility. The ideal color difference should be 70 percent or more. While it may be tempting to use a color that is wildly popular, this could result in a drab sign. Adding a different color can add interest to your sign and improve the effectiveness of your content.

Color combinations for storefront sign design should be chosen to fit your business, brand, and target market. The colors you choose should represent your business goods and services. If you’re not sure what colors to use, consult with a designer to help you select the best combinations.

Color combinations can be used for all kinds of signage. In fact, they are a vital promotional tool for businesses. Choosing the right colors can improve your sign’s effectiveness and help customers remember your brand.


Choosing the right fonts in storefront sign design can be an important part of your marketing strategy. However, the wrong font can ruin a perfectly good design. The wrong font can be easily avoided with a few simple guidelines.

First, you need to consider how large the sign is. The larger the sign, the more likely it is to be viewed from a distance. This means that the font you choose should be easy to read.

You can also make your font more visible by using bolder words. The font color you choose should contrast with the background. If the background is dark, you should use a lighter font.

Your font choice should also reflect your brand’s personality. If you are a law firm, you won’t want to use cartoonish bubble letters. You will also want to avoid using a script or cursive style. These styles are not usually readable in a sign.

The ideal font for large signs is a sans-serif. These fonts effectively communicate quick bursts of information. They project a sturdy and durable image.

If you have more than two fonts on your sign, you need to examine how the fonts flow together. If the letters are hard to read, you may need to add an additional font or make some modifications.

If you are designing a sign for a large billboard or restaurant, you can use the Regius font. It features a design inspired by old English pub signs. It is a free font for commercial use.

You can also try out Adobe Garamond Pro, which is a classic font that is easy to read. If you are working on a smaller sign, you can use a sans-serif like Helvetica.


Having eye-catching storefront graphics can turn casual interest into a recurring business. Storefront graphics can be freestanding, or attached to a surface. They can display your company’s values, mission statement, products or services.

Before choosing a storefront sign design, you need to consider the characteristics of your business. You should choose a sign that accentuates your strengths and minimizes your weaknesses. You may also need to consider your municipal bylaws.

The color scheme for your sign should complement your business’ branding. The color scheme should also help the sign be seen in the desired way.

Your sign should also be easy to read. Contrasting colors and a legible typeface are key to creating a clear message.

The purpose of your sign is to guide people in the right direction. It should include a logo, business name, and business description. These elements should take up at least 70% of the available space.

You may also want to consider adding an arrow or symbol to help people find your store. A simple and witty phrase can help you stand out.

If you need help with the graphic design for your storefront, you can contact a knowledgeable designer who can offer suggestions. They can also help you choose materials and the right type of sign.

You can also choose a raster graphics program to design your sign. However, these programs do not provide the same functionality as a vector-based program. Raster graphics break down into visible pixels, whereas vector graphics stay sharp when expanded. You may also want to consider working with a company that has a team of professional designers.

A sign is an expensive investment. It is important to select one that is high-quality and speaks to your customers.

Last a long time

Whether you own a storefront or simply a business, you should take care of your signs. They should be clear, concise, and easy to read. This way, you can attract customers and make your brand image stand out. Below are some dos and don’ts for storefront signs that will help you make your signs last a long time.

First, use a font that is easy to read. When choosing a font, look for one that is sans serif. This type of font can be easily read from a distance and will give your sign a strong presence. Other fonts that are successful for signs include Garamond and Helvetica.

Secondly, use consistent height. This is important because your sign should be readable from a distance. It can be easy to confuse a sign if the letters are too close together. Also, use straight edges. A sign that has curved edges may not be readable and may also look awkward.

Thirdly, choose a material that is durable. If you use a lower quality material, your sign may chip or fall apart. Also, you will likely have to spend money on electrical repairs or have the colors fade.

Lastly, choose a color that will stand out. You don’t want to have your letters look garish or clash with the background color. The letter color should also contrast with the surface that they are applied to. A good rule of thumb is to use complementary colors. This will give your brand colors a splash when customers search for your business.

These dos and don’ts for storefront sign design can help you make your signs last a long, long time.